Bad Situation

Posted by InTheCaddy on 2019-10-29 11:09:03

What do you do when you land yourself in a rough situation? I walked in to a recent role and was excited about the prospects the future would hold. Then everything went south.

The person that hired me got fired. The new person taking on his role decided to change the plan. This is the plan that sold me on this career move. Sure there was money involved in this decision but it wasn't the only thing. The project, plan, growth all came in to play. It was a great opportunity that suddenly went south when the person with the plan was no longer there.

In this situation all I can envision is that it is time to start looking again. Each year as I get older this gets more and more daunting.

So I guess the point of this post is to start making a plan. What do I do if the next role doesn't pan out? What do I do if I run up against ageism? In my parents days you landed a job, worked there 30 years and retired. That is not the case today so how does one protect themselves for the future. I am working on that plan and will hopefully be able to report on how it goes.

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